Our causes at
EHDL of Sweden

Beyond the sustainable values at the heart of our company and designs, we at EHDL of Sweden are committed to supporting global causes and social organizations that strive to make a significant difference in the world. From championing human rights to aiding in recovery and resilience, these are the initiatives and platforms we proudly stand behind and actively support. We encourage you to join us in making the world a better place!

Embrace your journey: Supporting personal growth and development

At EHDL, we believe in the power of individual stories and experiences. We support organizations that focus on personal development, mental health, and providing resources for those on their journey of self-discovery and growth.

Cherish connections: Advocating for stronger communities

Understanding the importance of deep, meaningful relationships, we support causes that foster community bonding, support families in need, and create networks of care and support.

Equality Now

Championing Women's Rights. "Equality Now" is an organization dedicated to forging a just world where women and girls enjoy the same rights as men and boys. At EHDL of Sweden, we stand in solidarity with this vital cause. We believe in breaking down barriers and challenging the deep-seated cultural norms that perpetuate inequality. Our support for Equality Now is rooted in our commitment to addressing and confronting the toughest issues faced by women and girls. We recognize the power of legal action in achieving lasting equality and are dedicated to empowering women and girls worldwide to live in a world free from discrimination and limitation. Our engagement with Equality Now is a reflection of our dedication to ensuring justice and equal rights for all.

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Express your essence: Promoting self-expression and authenticity

We champion organizations that encourage artistic expression, cultural diversity, and the freedom to be one's true self. Our support extends to groups that provide platforms for individual expression and celebrate cultural heritage.

Nurture your spirit: Aiding mental and emotional wellbeing

Our commitment includes supporting mental health initiatives, providing resources for emotional wellbeing, and advocating for a holistic approach to health that encompasses both the mind and the body.


Advocating for Girls' Futures. "VOW for Girls" is at the forefront of creating a world where childhood is preserved and every girl has the right to choose her future. At EHDL of Sweden, we proudly support this significant cause. We believe in the fundamental right of every girl to enjoy her childhood without the threat of child marriage. VOW for Girls partners with a diverse range of entities, from brands to individuals, including those in the wedding industry, to combat the global crisis of child marriage and empower girls to lead lives they cherish. Our commitment to VOW for Girls is a testament to our dedication to safeguarding the futures of young girls worldwide, ensuring they have the freedom to dream, grow, and ultimately, live the lives they envision for themselves.

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Live with heart: Supporting love and compassion worldwide

EHDL stands for spreading love and compassion. We support charities that provide aid to vulnerable groups, promote kindness and empathy, and work towards creating a more compassionate world.

No Kid Hungry

Fighting Against Child Hunger and Poverty. "No Kid Hungry," a vital campaign led by Share Our Strength, focuses on solving the critical issues of child hunger and poverty in the United States and beyond. At EHDL of Sweden, we stand firmly behind this noble cause. We believe that no child should ever face the pangs of hunger or the struggles of poverty. Our support for "No Kid Hungry" reflects our commitment to creating a brighter future for children everywhere, ensuring they have access to the essential nourishment and opportunities they rightfully deserve. Through our contributions and advocacy, we aim to amplify the impact of this campaign, helping to bring about lasting change in the lives of children in need.

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Our sustainable practices: A commitment to the planet

In line with our sustainable jewelry production, we support environmental causes that align with our mission of eco-consciousness and preserving the natural beauty of our planet.

Join our cause

At EHDL of Sweden, we believe that every small step can lead to significant change. We invite you to join us in supporting these causes, as we work together to create a more hopeful, connected, and compassionate world.

Learn more about each cause and how you can get involved on our website. Together, we can make a difference, one piece of jewelry, and one act of kindness at a time.
